Ο γύρος του κόσμου με ένα σομπρέρο


Dear Sir, May I Tell You About My 46 Red Cards?

There’s an old Greek saying: “Better to lose an eye than your reputation.” In the case of today’s protagonist, not only did he lose his reputation, but he almost caused others to lose an eye—or two. Gerardo Bedoya is infamous as “The Beast” or “The Monster.” And no, this nickname isn’t the “what a beast […]


In Bolivia At 4.150 Meters, They Are “Always Ready”

Nearly six months had passed since the outbreak of the Chaco War when the club we’re focusing on today was founded—a conflict between Paraguay and Bolivia. While this war might not be widely known in Europe, it was a brutal clash between two impoverished nations, both believing that the Chaco region and its oil reserves […]