Ο γύρος του κόσμου με ένα σομπρέρο

Dear Sir, May I Tell You About My 46 Red Cards?

There’s an old Greek saying: “Better to lose an eye than your reputation.” In the case of today’s protagonist, not only did he lose his reputation, but he almost caused others to lose an eye—or two. Gerardo Bedoya is infamous as “The Beast” or “The Monster.” And no, this nickname isn’t the “what a beast […]


Copa Peru: The Tournament of Madness

Picture this: a group of friends has just finished their regular weekly 8-a-side game and is hanging out, drinking beers. Amid the banter and the satisfaction from how the match turned out, someone throws out an idea: “Why don’t we start a real team? We do pretty well in the tournaments we participate in. Who […]


The Basque Who Loved His Team More Than His Career

One day before the first match between Roma and Real Sociedad in the Europa League, the Basques posted a drawing on their social media pages featuring two footballers who became legends of their respective clubs—at a time when players like these are becoming an endangered species. On the left side was Francesco Totti, a widely […]